Denture Denouement: Repairing Dentures

Missing teeth is more than just a minor inconvenience; it can complicate matters for those who suffer the condition. Chewing food and talking can be severely affected, especially when entire rows of teeth go missing. The individual’s dental health is also at risk if he or she has missing teeth, since the gaps can aggravate the loss of bone density if left unaddressed. Dentures can be used to fill in the missing spaces, but they need to be taken good care of.

Much like any dental appliance, dentures are made to be tough enough to talk and eat with. However, they can break if subjected to sufficient force. Dropping dentures can risk breaking the prosthetic, as well as other similar accidents users might find themselves in. The artificial teeth that make the dentures can also chip and crack over time, especially if the user often eats hard foods.

Although there are denture repair kits available that allow users to conduct their own repairs, it is highly recommended that patients should let their doctors properly repair or even replace the damaged prosthetics. Poorly repaired dentures can cause discomfort when worn, so it is best to leave it to a professional to make accurate and comfortable repairs. Dentures are a great way to fill in missing teeth, but users need to be careful about using their newfangled teeth.

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